My Life
What is certain in life is that it's full of uncertainties. So I am gonna hide under His Wings. I don't wanna be found anywhere else.

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Daily verse: Proverbs 15:15

"But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast."

Being merry is a state of mind. Joy is happy even the circumstances do not encourage so. That take faith. Joy is to know that God loves us even when we are not worthy or when the situation seem to point otherwise. This joy is supported by the faith in that our Lord is faithful.

Take time to look to His love for us, menifested on the Cross. :-)

Lord, thank you that I can be joyfuil despites of everything. Amen

tse horng blogged at 11:03 AM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Daily verse: 1 Samuel 2:8

"He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the beggar from the ash heap, To set them among princes And make them inherit the throne of glory."

God's economy is not like the world. He raises the weak and forgotten people. He expects His Church to act so too. Often, we are more ready to honour people who are rich, powerful, well qualified, able to pay back our kindness, able to do this or that. But God expects us to act like Him, to reach out to those who can't pay back.

Actually, they do pay back. They teach us God's grace. They let us experience the reality of God's grace as we serve them. AS we serve as God's vessel and medium of grace, we too encounter His grace and power. We become aware that we too are unworthy beggar, the poor from the dust and He adopted us to be His children.

Perhaps Henri Nouwen said it best:
The word became flesh so as to wash my tired feet. He touches me precisely where I touch the soil, where earth connects with my body that reaches out to heaven. He kneels and takes my feet in his hands and washes them. Then he looks up at me and, as his eyes and mine meet, he says: "Do you understand what I have done for you? If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must wash your brothers' and sisters' feet" (John 13:13-14). As I walk the long, painful journey toward the cross, I must pause on the way to wash my neighbors' feet. As I kneel before my brothers and sisters, wash their feet, and look into their eyes, I discover that it is because of my brothers and sisters who walk with me that I can make the journey at all.

Lord, thank you for being gracious to me. May I too be the vessel of your grace. Amen

tse horng blogged at 4:00 PM

Monday, March 28, 2005

Knowing God's will

For the past weeks, I had the opportunities to talk with people who had to made decision about post O level choices. Somehow, at the back of my mind, I wish I could know God's plan for their whole life time in a flash and tell them what to do next?

But God doesn't operate in this way. Very often, He choses to lead in small steps. He never told David he would be king since he was young, neither did Saul knew he would be the first king. Perhaps only Jesus was the One who knew He would die for us.

From Bible and from my own exprience and good Christian literature and counsel that God leads us in each small step.

So how then can we know which choice is God's plan for us?

Let me suggest some questions to think about.
  1. Is it going against God's moral will? A career in vices or to have an affair is definitely out.
  2. What are your talents and gifts given by God, your interest incalcated by God and epxerience and value from His teaching? How would this choice match that?
  3. How willthis glorify God and draw men to Christ?
  4. Will this stumble other, Christian and Non-Christian, and myself?
  5. Prompting of the Holy Spirit?

Given all this, we often step into decision with uncertainity. But that is faith, walking with only limited vision yet with a clear vision of God holding our hands walking into uncertainty. God is good all the time. Even if we made mistake, He will lead us back.

I think there are 3 conditions that are important. One, walk closely with God. The closer we are the easier for us to know His will. Two, we must be prepared to obey ane be open to His leading and to obey. Third, prayer.

Just one more thing, christian counsel from elders and friends.

I hope this help. Let me know.

tse horng blogged at 11:28 PM

Daily verse: Romans 8:15

"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father.""

We are a new creature in Christ we new relationship with God. This relationship of adopted child to Father changes not only our status but our relating to Him. God is no longer some distant Judge but a loving Father whom we can turn to.

As oppose to our prior relationship of sinner to God, we can now look to Him whenever we face trouble. We know He forgives as we repent from our sins. It is no longer living in fear but living in confidence that with His help, we can be more than conqueror.

John Wesley, founder of Methodism, was one person living in fear before he knew that he was indeed forgiven during his Aldersgate experience. He would record his thoughts and deeds to check that he was not sinning and that he kept a holy to ensure he pleased God. He was like a 'paranoid'. But when he learnt that God has forgiven him, he was changed not just his heart, but he acted in greater faith. Let's live in the power of Resurrection.

Let John Wesley speaks for himself:
In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while the leader was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.
The Journal of John Wesley, May 24, 1738

Lord, let me live in the Spirit of Adoption, to be truly, the King's adopted child. Amen.

tse horng blogged at 3:58 PM

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Pa pa is the tirshaw man (at Gardenasia)

tse horng blogged at 12:47 AM

A Day along Sungei Kadut.

My wife booked a car under the car-coop scheme. So we went to buy fan etc.
Went to Sungei Kadut, thinking of visiting farms, aquarium and orchard. A wet day but didn't dampen out spirit. Stopped over to see warehouse sale of scanteak... very expensive still.

Went to an aquarium and a nursery. The nursey is nice, so we hide in their training room while it poured outside. Bought spearmint and one of my favourite plant, Hoya. Think I am abit crazy about mint family plants now. haha. Anyway, nice smell.

We had a chane to cycle a trishaw. See pic. nice!

Nowaday Karis is harder to feed. Lost my cool with her during dinner... noti ger. Pray she wil start to eat properly. She is like angmo, prefer bread, nuggets etc but not rice. Sigh

tse horng blogged at 12:42 AM

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Good message on Good Friday

I think my pastor, Rev Kow, pretty creative in presenting truth. Today, he actually got 2 persons to help him in presenting God's truth. When stressing on God can help us tobe conqueror, he got someone by the name of Cheryl to present a song to remind us no problem is too big or small for God. To drive home the truth that God can change people and situation, he got someone to share a testimony of how God helped him and his family. He shared with fear but we all heard the message clearly. It was a powerful preaching.

After service, went to Chinatown with lunch, with my ex-sunday school student, who is now a mother of one! In fact, her daughter is about the same age as my daughter. Haha. Can you imagine my student is already a mother? Haha.

Anyway we got slowed down by some accident in MRT, such that we ended taking bus. While on bus, Hanern was sitting beside the door and he happily pressed the bell as he wished. We didn't know it and the bus driver stopped a few time to wait but no one alight. He was so pissed off later that he stopped the bus and turned around and stared. Only then did my wife realised that our son was the culprit. :P... Of course,we told him off. His mood really changed after that. Before his 'crime' was discovered, he was chatting his way. After being caught red handed, he was quiet and did not dare to look at the bust driver. Haha... poor boy.

After that we went to Central Fire Station to see their exhibit. Hanern always like Fire Engine, so today he finally had the chance to board one. Haha.. after that one of the fireman asked if he wanna be a fire man in the future. As you can expect, he wants. Boys are boys.... haha.

By the time we finished, it was around 4.30 pm. Din even noe it was so late. We went to the Armenien Church to rest. Got to see sculpture by an Indonesia Artist there, deplicting the life and passion of Christ. Moved by what I saw. Of course, we paused and sad in the sanctuary to enjoy the moment of peace.

Thank God for today... I enjoyed it, though it was tiring.

tse horng blogged at 2:44 AM

Friday, March 25, 2005

Special visitor

Today I had special visitor, 3 of my 'favouritest' ex-students turned friends, Fiona, Cheryl and Peiluan visted me. Bought me Chicken rice too. A highlight for sure. We talked and talked and did something noti. haha.

I was very touched that Yilong and company go all out to help their friends. I also want this type of friends.

Lesson with 5B was 'unproductive' but fun. We were distracted by the wasp building a nest in the classroom. Told them that wasp and hornet sting caterpillars and then put them into their nest so that when the young hatches, it will feed on it. They then open up the nest and true enough caterpillarS dropped out. It was hiliarous. Some of them behave like really never seen caterpillar before... haha. Ying Jie was very brave, she actually held the caterpillar with bare hand.

5A/B asked me if I want to order their class T-shirt. Nice of them... :-) thanks.

tse horng blogged at 6:26 AM

Last Supper - Reflection

Dinner time with family is unpredictable. Sometime, the clashes of chopsticks and the bowl is the only source of vibration in the air, sometime it is laughters and excited tone, other time it is peppered with argument. I suppose when there is a gathering of people who are emotionally attached and connected, there will be resonance of emotions.

Jesus' last supper with His disciples is no difference. Read John 13, there were moment of silence, after He spoke of His betrayal. The disciples could only stare at each other (v22). There were moment of love, Jesus washed their feet, serve them bread and wine. Argument too, when they tried to find out who would be the greatest (Luke 22:24). Of course, sadness. So obvious it is when He was troubled in spirit (John 13:21). The paradox is the Supper is remembered as Jesus expression of love, it is also a place where human betrayal and selfishness. Judas betrayal. Disciples' greed for power. Disciples' hardness in head that kept them from appreciating Jesus heartache. Disciples unwillingness to clean each other feet until their Master did it. Where there is pain, hatred, selfishness, betrayal, as if it is all darkness, God's love glow there. God's answer to human ugliness is His love. The Church response to the world ought to follow the Master manner, to love.

I was reminded 2 nights ago by the preacher, Rev Chong, during the Holy Week service that Jesus loved Judas despite his plan to betray. He washed the pair of feet that is going to kick Him (v18). What I didn't know but now know, is that when Jesus dip the bread and passed to Judas, was an act of special affection. Up till then, Jesus was loving him and waiting to see him response and repent in the face of such love.

The Church is never without sin, just like the Last Super. Yet the Universal Church recognised it as a symbol of God's love. I can't be too hard on my fellow Christian. I can't hate them, condemn them, cos my Lord did not. I suppose there were time I was too hard or too I-am-holier-than-you attitude. I am too ready to say 'call himself/herself a Christian'. Lord, I am sorry.

There are people who are so hard to love, so easy to be indifference towards, Lord, I want to love them too.

I am like the disciples then, not worthy to sit on the same table as the Lord, but He included them, even Judas. I too, can partake in the Holy Communion, because He is love and full of grace.

My friends, pause to thank Him for His love and grace. Perhaps, you are facing situations where you don't know how to response. Maybe it is to response in love. Or it seem so dark. Then reach out, God's love is there for you to receive.

May His love enriches you this Good Friday and Easter.

tse horng blogged at 5:55 AM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Daily verse: Matthew 5:16 ('How are you?')

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

'How are you?' is a question that can be superficial or sincere. At the end of the movie, American Beauty, Lester, the main character, was asked a question, "How are you?". He smiled back and told the enquirer that had been a long time since he was asked that question. What a sad thing! It reflected the sad stage of lack of human touch and concern.

We are called to be light and salt of God. We can bring God's light into someone else live by a simple 3 words 'how are you?' When asked sincerely, we touch another person live. We all need to be heard and be know that someone else is concern for us. Ask the question and don't stop there. Go further to know them, their joy and worries. As the conversation goes, let the person know you care. I think, 'how are you?' is a window for God's light to penetrate into someone soul.

Lord, may my 'how are you?' be sincere and seasoned with your salt and light. Amen

tse horng blogged at 10:10 AM

serving God

On Sunday, church had missions recruitment. We converted the covered carpark at level 3 into a carnival styled setting. People get to move around to see what areas of missions and outreach they can be involved. It is also a time for the groups to promote their efforts and recruit more people to help.

Having taking a break from leading youth group for more than 6 mths, I am asking God when and where I should start serving again. I can go back to the youth ministry, The Tackle Box, or into another new ministry. What caught my attention is the Alpha course. It is a ten week study to introduce people to the Christian faith. It like a seeker class where those who are not sure what Christianity is about but want to find out more. I am thinking if this is something I can serve. I have always been burdened by the needs to tell people about the love of God and this may well be a good opportunities. I am still praying.

Anyway, the cell group meeting we discussed on serving God and one key point that came up was to serve God thru serving others even if it mean going the extra mile or being it intrude our planned scheduled. Today, I practised that. Got to meet a few of the alumni to help them plan and think over their next step after knowing their posting or non-posting. I enjoyed it though it mean I am doing less work. But there are things that cannot be measured by tanglible work. I think I pleased God and I think I have helped them.. I hope so.

Had 2 hours with 5B. I think they are more serious... at least some fo them. I have enjoyed the time with them. :-) Keep it up 5B!!

tse horng blogged at 3:19 AM

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

If Christ had not died …

No time to write... so I thot I can share an article by Bishop Solomon, Methodist Church in Singapore (since Good Friday is coming):

A GROUP of eminent historians got together to share what they imagined would have happened if certain well-established historical events had turned out differently. In their book What If and its sequel More What If they use their imagination and expertise in history to entertain history buffs. What if Socrates had died in a battle he fought in 424 BC, before he met his student Plato? What if Napoleon had invaded North America? What if Martin Luther was burned at the stake in 1521? Such were the questions asked by the historians. One of them, Yale University Christian historian Carlos Eire, explores how history would have turned out if Pontius Pilate had spared Jesus and not sent Him to the cross.

In his imaginary narrative, Eire moves to various successive scenes, the trial of Jesus, one year, 30 years and 60 years after the trial, and another 230 years later to the time when Constantine was Roman Emperor. He paints the image of an aging Jesus and the emergence of a form of Judaism, a "Christianity without the crucifixion". But we all know that history did not turn out that way. Thank God!
This month the Church will observe the historical events that occurred 2,000 years ago when Jesus was crucified on the cross and rose victoriously from the dead three days later.
At the tomb of Jesus: He is not here, for He has risen.

It is possible, however, that the season of celebrating Good Friday and Easter every year might degenerate into mere empty ritual observance. Or superficial experience when every year we, with preoccupied minds and distracted hearts, walk past the cross and empty tomb with practiced habit, with little or no awe and wonder. The annual observance of Good Friday and Easter is not meant to lull us to such distracted and false familiarity with the greatest mystery in human history. Rather, it should jolt us back to reality, to the most important facts about God and ourselves.

One way we can help prevent the wonder and depth of this holy season from fading is to ask ourselves the "What If …" questions. In fact, Scripture does the same thing.
What if Christ had not died on the cross?
The writers of the New Testament answer this question by stating clearly why Jesus had to die on the cross. Yes, it is true that Pontius Pilate sent Jesus to the cross to be crucified. But that is only part of the answer. Scripture says that all of us sent Him to the cross. He died because of us.
The apostle Peter declared that "Christ died for sins, once for all". (1 Pet. 3:18). The fact that Jesus died for our sins is further reiterated by Paul when he observed that "Christ died for our sins, according to Scriptures". (1 Cor. 15:3). But what do Peter and Paul mean? Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Here again, Scripture is clear. We all have sinned (Rom. 3:23). The consequence of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). There are no exceptions and we were all headed for judgment, condemnation, and eternal death, unless God Himself intervened. And God did intervene -- that is how we are to understand the coming of Jesus into this world and His death on the cross.
The writer of Hebrews explained to his Jewish readers that Jesus made a "sacrifice of himself" (Heb. 9:26,28). The Jewish readers, with their Jewish background, would have understood the author's point. Centuries of animal sacrifices in the Jewish tabernacles and temples, performed to atone for the sins of the people, all pointed to the one sacrifice that really matters, the once for all sacrifice of Jesus when He died on the cross to atone for our sins. No wonder that John Wesley testified that the blood of Christ is the remedy for the sickness in our souls. Or as P. T. Forsyth summarised, the death of Christ is "the one final treatment of sin, the one compendious work of grace, and the one hinge of human destiny".

The crucifixion of Jesus was not a historical accident. It was a carefully planned event, as indicated by Paul when he pointed out that Christ's death was "according to Scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:3). God had already revealed to His prophets how and why the Son of God would die. Before the thought of Jesus dying on a cross occurred in Pilate's mind, it had already occurred in God's. God was not surprised by the turn of events.
Neither was Jesus the unwilling victim of Pilate's command. Scripture makes it clear that in the surreal scene when Jesus was judged by Pilate and sentenced to death, it was Pilate who was, like all of us, the condemned prisoner. He thought he was the judge and had no idea that Jesus whom he thought was the condemned prisoner was in fact the One who is coming to judge the living and the dead. In the trial, Jesus was the one in control for He declared that He was voluntarily going to the cross (Jn. 19:10-11). John says as much when he wrote that "Jesus laid down his life for us." (1 Jn 3:16). Jesus died willingly because He loved us, even while we were yet sinners (Rom. 5:8).
What if Christ had not died on the cross? Then there would be no atonement for our sins. We would still be headed for eternal damnation. All the little pleasures on earth would only be a momentary distraction from certain and ultimate doom for every member of the human race.

tse horng blogged at 2:29 AM

Monday, March 21, 2005

The Strangest Story of All, by C.S. Lewis

Want to share something I read:

We come to the strangest story of all, the story of the Resurrection. It is very necessary to get the story clear. I heard a man say, "The importance of the Resurrection is that it gives evidence of survival, evidence that the human personality survives death." On that view what happened to Christ would be what had always happened to all men, the difference being that in Christ's case we were privileged to see it happening.
This is certainly not what the earliest Christian writers thought. Something perfectly new in the history of the Universe had happened. Christ had defeated death. The door which had always been locked had for the very first time been forced open. This is something quite distinct from mere ghost-survival. I don't mean that they disbelieved in ghost-survival. On the contrary, they believed in it so firmly that, on more than one occasion, Christ had had to assure them that he was not a ghost. The point is that while believing in survival they yet regarded the Resurrection as something totally different and new.
The Resurrection narratives are not a picture of survival after death; they record how a totally new mode of being has arisen in the Universe. Something new had appeared in the Universe: as new as the first coming of organic life. This Man, after death, does not get divided into "ghost" and "corpse." A new mode of being has arisen. That is the story. What are we going to make of it?
The question is, I suppose, whether any hypothesis covers the facts so well as the Christian hypothesis. That hypothesis is that God has come down into the created universe, down to manhood - and come up again, pulling it up with him. The alternative hypothesis is not legend, nor exaggeration, nor the apparitions of a ghost. It is either lunacy or lies. Unless one can take the second alternative (and I can't) one turns to the Christian view.
"What are we going to make of Christ?" There is no question of what we can make of him, it is entirely a question of what he intends to make of us. You must accept or reject the story.
The things he says are very different from what any other teacher has said. Others say, "This is the truth about the Universe. This is the way you ought to go," but he says, "I am the Truth, and the Way, and the Life." He says, "No person can reach absolute reality, except through me. Try to retain your own life and you will be inevitably ruined. Give yourself away and you will be saved." He says, "If you are ashamed of me, if, when you hear this call, you turn the other way, I also will look the other way when I come again as God without disguise. If anything whatever is keeping you from God and from me, whatever it is, throw it away. If it is your eye, pull it out. If it is your hand, cut it off. If you put yourself first you will be last. Come to me everyone who is carrying a heavy load. I will set that right. Your sins, all of them, are wiped out, I can do that. I am Rebirth. I am Life. Eat me, drink me, I am your Food. And finally, do not be afraid, I have overco! me the whole Universe." That is the issue.

tse horng blogged at 12:39 AM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Sentosa trip... :-) Day 3

Son wanted to go for the sand castling... pestering me since he woken up. Our plan was simple, breakfast, swimming pool, pack and check out den lunch. In the end, I went with son to the beach while mother and dotta headed for the pool.

What was fun was that there were some small fishes that came along side. Hanern experience wave for the first time too. He was a bit frighten but ok. I am tanned this time, infact... red on my arms. My children are darker too. Haha. Anyway, we picked a shell and he was very happy about it. Came home want to put all the shells together.

We showed him how wave work back home. So both of them happily blowing into the basin of water. Of cos, Karis drank some water. What I am pleasantly surprised was Hanern could thot of bringing the basin to the fan and let the fan blow to create wave. :-)

tse horng blogged at 2:06 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Looking our for peacock beside the Beach
son in school

tse horng blogged at 3:44 PM

Smiling widely on the last day of monorail
son in school

tse horng blogged at 3:40 PM

Sentosa trip... :-) Day 2

Set the alarm to wake up at 6 am so as to catch the sunrise. Well I did wake up, amazingly. But when I went out, armed with my camera, it was total darkness. Decide to come back and laze abit. Ended up too late, sun was up and shining.

We headed down to the beach and finally my children got to use their sand castle gears. It was fun just doing that... watching them doing it. First time for Karis to experience beach and sea water. She tried to taste the water and frowned. Of course, she tried the sand too. Haha. We had sometime sitting on the beach and allowing the wake to hit us. They liked it. :-) Oh.. we saw many peacocks. We were like some hunters trying to hunt all of them down. Hanern saw many coconut trees.

Then we went to the pool. Karis was the little pilot on her areoplane float while Hanern was throwing his beach ball. He tried the tunnel slide. Brave of him cos it was steep. Anyway, he drank some water and that was his only ride. Haha.

The rest of the day was nothing much, lunched, napped and then went down to BK for dinner. Wanted to see Musical fountain but the purple fountain and the loud laughter frightened my son. He screamed. So we headed back to hotel with our supper - fried rice and chye tow kuey - yummy. Should be fine to pamper abit after a hard day of swim and carrying them.

Oh.. met Mr Hisham there too. haha.

tse horng blogged at 3:36 PM

Friday, March 18, 2005

Sentosa trip... :-) Day 1

Back from Sentosa. Enjoyed the trip thoroughly, though my back is aching. Look like my slip disc strikes back :-(. Was already painful before the trip but look like it is worst now. Anyway, that's another matter.

The offer was hillview and not seaview. Seaview will be $260+++per night. Tat is beyond my budget. Anyway in the lift, before the fllor closed, TCS compere Zhong Qin came in. haha. And my dad din even noe. Anyway, she stayed at 11 floor while ours was 7. She intiated the talking.. she said thank you and I said welcome. HAHA~!

My dad came along with us on the first day. It was a historical day too. The lsat day of monorail. After checking in, we immediately headed for monorail, for the last ride. My children enjoyed it. They were excited about it. Hanern enjoyed it very much. He always like to ride on train.

Monorail is as usual slow and warm. I dun really enjoy riding on monorail. But riding on it brought back memories. The first time I rode on it was when I was in Sec. 4. They were playing Richard Clayderman peices.. non-stop and repeating. Iwas with some of my closest secondary school friends, Swee Kim, Su Hiang. We were going for a camp. i think.. can't really remember. That year also was when Singapore changed to the present set of coins. It was an impt yeat for me. It was finsihing of O level and uncartainity of the future. We camp at the beach, when it was very popular then, before siloso beach took over the glory. We had bbq, camp in a tent. I remember they sabo one guy by putting bread into his brief. I will let u imagine how it was arranged. Anyway, he din noe until he woke up in the morning. Haha. We sat besides the sea and talked about good times and worries of future. I would never expect I am where I am now. We so worry about if I could pass my english den. :-) God is good.

Back to the present! We stopped at the departure for a tea break at Deli france (spell correctly?). The we decide to travel back to Harbour front. for dinner and shopping ... haha. Silly rite? Sentosa food too expensive la. My son got tired and so my father and myself took turn to carry the 14.5kg boy. Back-breaking. Anyway ate at noodle hut. And shopped abit to buy supper and breakfast. Dad left for home. It was nice to have him with us. My son likes to 'play' with him. He spent the afternoon combing my dad hair... very punky hairstyle. We wanted to go musical fountain but too tired. So headed for hotel, bath them and sleep. They were really tired.. so it was no struggle.. hee hee.

I am glad we has a good time.. nice tat my dad was with us. Took a pic with him on the momorail.. just 2 of us... it been quite a while since we took a pic of just 2 of us.

tse horng blogged at 1:08 AM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

God can use it despite...

Got this from somewhere...

Moses stuttered.
David's ego was bigger than his armor.

John Mark was rejected by Paul.
Hosea married a prostitute.
Amos thought fig-tree pruning was a homiletics class.
Jacob was a liar.
David had an affair.
Solomon was too rich.
Abraham was too old.
David was too young.
Timothy had ulcers.
Peter was afraid of death.
Lazarus was dead.
John Mark was naked.
Jesus liked to hang around with troublemakers and troubled people.

Naomi was a widow.
Isaiah had a branded tongue.
Jesus heard voices. Paul saw visions.
Jonah ran from unwelcome voices.
Miriam was the voice of gossip.
Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
Jeremiah was depressed, suicidal, and always crying.
Elijah was burned out and like to run around naked.
John the Baptist was a loudmouth who lived on locusts.
Martha was a worry-wart and subject to anxiety attacks.
Mary was lazy.
Samson had long hair and was short on self-control.
Noah got skunk drunk.
Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse?
So did Peter and Paul, who feuded with one another publicly.
I could keep going.

tse horng blogged at 1:50 AM

Sentosa... here we come!

Going to Sentosa.. yay! Not that I have not been there but that it will be a good break. I will be forced to stop typing, planning or marking. Just time with family and hopefully myself and God too. And I will be forced to sleep earlier and not to wake up in the middle to do work. Will be staying at Rasa Sentosa - discounted cos I am Sentosa Islander. 3D2N from Tues to Thurs.

Went to school to give extra lesson to 4A. Was pleasantly surprised to find a daisy on my desk. For a while, I had to guess who gave me. Finaly found that it was from Cheryl and Esther. Nice of them. :-)... cheered me up.

4A is good today, consider it is vacation, they were 'forcing' themselves to pay attention, at least for most of them.

Son phoned my mother. Talked quite a while. Quite a funny conversation. He told my mother he is not feeling well and he has blocked nose. I thot it was quite funny that he used 'not feeling well'. Sound so mature. Haha.

Thank God for today.

tse horng blogged at 1:02 AM

Monday, March 14, 2005

don't mistake anonymous with insignificance

"don't mistake anonymous with insignificance". That's the statement that stucked in me when Pastor Shih Min preached today. The title was SHAPED for serving GOD. The emphasis was more on attitude. He said attitude determines maturity. It is not about gifts and ability but about attitude. Our attitude should be like that of Christ (Phil 2:1-11). The message helped me I to a certain extend in handling my current feeling of disappointment.

The O level analysis is out and science result in comparison to other schools showed that it is not tat good. I had struggled 'self-survival worries' and tat disturb me more than the actual results. The message re-aligned me to God's calling to serve Him thru serving others. I do not need to measure myself with the result but with my attitude. And my 'self-survival worries' tell me that I am not there yet. I need to work on that , that when I serve, I serve out of gratefulness and not for self-significance. I gonna just trust Him and fix my eyes on the Cross. :-)

Today, dotta is having slight cold. So I went to church with my son, just 2 of us. It is alse kind of like personal time with him. I enjoyed it. We took cab, talked, sat together durign service. A good biy he is, let me listen thru the sermon. There was ministry fair today, so instead of going there, we went to Jolly Creek to do my artand craft. Then lunch at Tanglin Halt Ten Storey. Bought the sand castle set for him. He was very happy and had no heart to finish his fried rice lunch. He was eager to go home and play the sand castle set. haha. Bought a freash coconut to drink. It was his first try. Ha ha. I enjoyed it very much.

Afternoon till evening was my wife turn to go out. Stay with them and we went out to get dinner. Watch Finding Nemo with them too... my many many times. Haha.. they never sian with it.

Thank God for today..... have you thanked Him too?

tse horng blogged at 3:45 AM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Daily verse: Proverbs 3:26

"For the Lord will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught."

Where do I place my trust? At crossroads of my life, I have to ask that question. To trust God or to trust myself. It seem so easy to say that to trust the all wise Almighty is the obvious. But in reality, I struggled. Can I put down the financial security of my present job and take up missions work? What about my children education? Are the water there clean?

Or at the work place, do I speak the truth and take the risk of being persecuted? Can i trust God that He will protect and deliver when I obey Him? When confronted with real issues, it is not easy to trust. But trusting Him is a learning journey. Learn to trust Him in small things and it will be easier to trust Him in bigger areas. The problem is the tendency to trust ourselves to solve problems or made decision. Still, continue to work on. That's discipleship.

Lord, teach me to trust, even if it is difficult. Amen.

tse horng blogged at 1:44 PM

Walking down memory hill

Had to send some form by hand to SEAB (Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board) at Bt. Ho Swee. It brought back many memories. It was my 'playgound' when I was small. My grandparents stayed and still stat at Tiong Bahru.

Every Sat., my aunty will sponsor and direct me and my brother to go to the 'peak' to buy biscuit, the three layered waffle with cream type. The uncle would open and weigh out the biscuit. I can't remember how much, but it was a big package. Some time, we buy bread instead and ask for kaya and butter spread. It was the old traditional bread where they had to remove the burnt skin. We would then go back and all of us would sit in front of the black and white TV and wait eagerly for the afternoon matinee. Tarzan was the all time favourite then. We waited eagerly to see how Tarzan would battle the lion or the tribe. Haha... it was that simple.

I visited an aquarium which was there since I was small. They have not changed much except the items they are selling. I remember how my bro and I would be very excited to see what new fishes have they stocked up and we would be calculating if we could buy any new fishes. My uncle then was gold fish lover. He spent $30 to buy a pair of big gold fish. That's alot then, and still is. Anyway, the investment was sound, cos they later laid many eggs. I had the chance to watch the female laying eggs while the male chasing behind to release the sperm. And finally the fry hatched. It was fun.. no wonder I love nature and biology.

I miss those days.... :-)

tse horng blogged at 3:11 AM

What a friend we have in Jesus - a hymn by Joseph M. Scriven, 1820-1886

What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.

tse horng blogged at 3:01 AM

What a friend we have in Jesus - a hymn by Joseph M. Scriven, 1820-1886

What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.

tse horng blogged at 3:01 AM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Daily verse: Psalm 9:9

"The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressesd, a refuge in times of trouble."

Facing a difficult time? God is the refuge to hide in. For us to rest and to feel safe. I am thankful that in my moments of hard time, God has always been my refuge, where I could run to.

Those moments includes when I wasn't sure of my future (after my O and A, and graduation), faivng transition (from study to working live), sickness (my loved ones who were sick), stressed out (work, exams, project deadline), difficult situations (problems that cannot be resolved easily). When I go to God in prayer, I found myself resting in His peace which the world cannot give. I could smile at the storm, as the children song goes. Will you do that now if you are facing trouble or very tired out by your problems? He wants to be your refuge.

Share a song with you, "What a friend we have in Jesus."

Lord, thank you that I can hide in You even if the world is crumbling down. I can :-) at the storm. Amen

tse horng blogged at 1:56 PM

Monday, March 07, 2005

Daily verse: Matthew 5:7

"Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy."

Showing kindness and forgiveness to someone when you have the right to do the opposite does not come natural. The Lord commands and conditional promise is meant for the supernatural. It is easier to be kind to those whom we like, or we find pitiful. But God expects us to be merciful. It is to be part of our character, not just an action we selectively act out.

Today, while teaching, I had this moment of anger. I just got irritated. I wanted to shouted at them and put them down. But I know it will hurt their feelings and, by His grace, I didn't. I was trying my best to get a few students to pay attention yet wanting to give them 'face', but they just keep talking and did not realise what I was trying to do. What should I do? I decided that I will have to talk to one of them. I had to point out to her my frustration and she needs to improve. But i will say in with all the love I can muster. Merciful is not being weak or condoning but knowing how to act out the love we have for the person. Showing love to people who may seem to be the least deserving according to how our Lord loved us while we were aginst Him.

Lord, help me to be merciful. In moments when I fail, be merciful to your sinner servant. Amen

tse horng blogged at 5:23 PM

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Not the mass but the essence

I am glad last week is finally last week. It was tough. On average, I slept from 3 to 4 hours per night. Extremely deficit of sleep. I had to ask wifey to take over my usual 'duties' so that I could sleep early. I had, for the first time last week, slept from 10.30 pm to 6.30 am on Friday night. A good 8 hours. I still felt sleepy yesterday but definitely better.

The week is tough because MOE team of people came. I had to attend interviews, a total of 6 interview sessions, amounting to 8 hours. Interview is tough cos i had to be alert, able to answer them as accurately and clearly a possible. And boy, some of them are very sharp and ask very tough questions that challenge my own concept and view of things. I am usually exhausted after each session. In-between, I had to get data for them, like number of parents awarded during SEA for the past 3 years. I had to do my marking, planning of lesson, administrative writing into the late nights.

But I suppose the toughest was Monday, the release of result. The whole process started at 8 am when I logged into the system I manage for the school. Wah lau! First impression was it NO GOOD. Worst was I had so many pairs of eyes being me, fixed at the monitor. All of them eager to find out how their subjects did. I had to settle my own fear like, will science be the worst or best? Will we be the one who pull everyone down? Will I lose my voice after this? But they are not the main worry, afterall, I dun exist as a teacher for these. My greater concern was will my students get to the course they want. Will their L1R5 be good? When the left fort he printer after I sent all the summary to printer, I had the chance to quickly look at a few of my closest students (you know who you are). That's where I could feel the co-existance of pain and joy. Some din do well. Can they take the bad news? What gonna happen for them? Where can they go? Then for the joyous one, it was more of they did better than wad I was worried about. As a teacher, I can always try another year to achieve better overall. But for my students, it most likely a one-off attempt. I spent the next few days counselling. Not easy but I am glad as I talk to them, I could share the journeys with them. It was a journeyof discovery of them and myself. How each one of them are so strong, realistic and adaptable.

It was a shared journey and I suppose the last shared journey, after 4 years of teacher-student relationship. I treasure it, 2001 to 2005. Perhaps, the symbolic announcement of the already happened parting that comes with the release of results too had added to my emotional dissonance. But alas, what must come will come. They have grown up and they must move on. The joy is, I have had a good time with them, and I have the few who continues to maintain the ties. :-) No need the mass, just need the essence.

God bless you, my first batch of West Spring graduates...

tse horng blogged at 6:47 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005

Daily verse: Romans 5:6

"For when were without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly."

We dun have the stength to do good. We dun have the strength to be right with God. Think of time when you have to kick off a bad habit or to pick up good habit. It wasn't easy, generally speaking. I think new year resolution illustrates the poiint most obviously. We often break them. Religions tell us that if we live within certain ways (stay away from vices, be good etc) and use certain approaches (meditation, denial, do charity etc) but these standard is still below Gods holy standard. But probably not many people couldfollow the religions' standards. Does that mean that the salvation of the ppl is limited to that few? The verse states that we did not have the power to be good or to make peace with God. Salvation is meant for all to have.

While we did not have the power to take the frist step, Christ died for us the ungodly, to help us to be right with God. So that we can be righteous in His name. True humility is to recognise that we are weak and we need Him to save us.

There are two responses: to give thanks that He took the first step to save us and to accept His salvation if have yet to do so.

Lord, thank you for taking the first step as I did not have the power to take the first step. Amen.

tse horng blogged at 6:09 PM

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Daily verse: Isaiah 12:6

"Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion, For great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!"

There is a place for emotion in our walk with the Lord. The thot of God amongst them leads to the calling to shout out for joy. It is amazing that God would choose to walk amongst us, selfish, sinful people. Sadly, hundreds of year after this calling was issued, when God truly incarnated to walk amongst His people, they did not shout for joy, but shouted for His crucification. As we move towards Good Friday, let's be mindful that He was amongst His people but they could not recognise them.

Today, it could be true too. Could He be in the person who is in need? In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me." Let us not just celebrate the presence of the beauties and mighty but the poor and suffering, for they bring us the presence of Christ when we response in Christ-like manner. Shout for joy that today you have a chance to do something for the least.

Lord, help me to recognise Christ when He is in our midst. Amen

tse horng blogged at 5:35 PM

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

CNY gathering - who want ice-cream?
son in school

tse horng blogged at 4:15 AM

The twist and turn

Was sharing with 2 ex-students about the twist and turn of life. There are some truth when you think of O level result. We sometime think that what we are going through will change our life forever. And sometime it is true. There are moments that are of eternal impact. Marriage for example has very much impact. Yet there are also things that you dun see or never expect.

1984 was the year I rec my O level results. I never never thot I would be a teacher. I was timid then, stage fright, dare not talk infront crowd etc. I would never thot of being a teacher. Ask my form-teacher and she would tell you so. Wait.. may be she couldn't even remember me since I was such a low low profile person. If I stand beside a plant, you most likely can hear the plant breath and not me.... haha.

After my Os i got into JC cos I had only one goal... be a doctor. JC I took triple science. Which was really tough and in retrospect, I shd kept to 3 As. Anyway, as much as my handwriting resemble the doc handwriting I din get in. So I was determined to be a science student and to be a researcher would be my career. I was planning to be in the Biotech field (life science is not the buzz word then). I worked hard, did well for my third and enter my honours year. I could cont to aim for M.Sc and then PhD. But during my honours year, where I got chance to really do research, I realise that researcher is not my cup of tea. I can't imagine facing test-tube and Bunsen burner most of the time. And... my colleague would probably whole time talking abut DNA, RNA, enzyme blah blah. And while I was serving as Sunday School Teacher, I realised God gave me the talent of connecting with youth and made corny jokes. I could made plain lesson less plain. I also gained confident in speaking to crowd when I served as MCyee for church functions and as camp commandent of leadership camp of Campus Crusade for Christ. In fact, I tried preaching too... so you noe why I am so 'preachy'.

So I then decide to apply to teach and mould life *_^. But contrary to so many ppl telling me that guy sure can get it. I could only enter teaching on my third try. God has other plan. He taught me to be humble, prayerful and patient in waiting for Him. I had to gt ajob, so I tried relief teaching for half a year. Most enriching. Was not an easy school to teach so it was a good training. Love the students so much I remember at the end, I went to 3 chalets within 2 weeks. Back to Back. those were my young days.

I later went on to work in PA. I learnt to work with adults and difficult people. God taught to know how to work with influential people like MP and CEO and grassroot leaders. Most importantly, I got to know my wife there. :P

Well finally I am into teaching. Happily at Ghim Moh for 3.5 years. Then I was uprooted to got MOE HQ, against my will! But God enriched me further. Being from the hard sciences, God exposed me to the softer sciences when I posted to Pastoral Care and Career Guidance Branch at MOE HQ. Enjoyed the learning.
Here i am... :-)

So while you think hard about the choices, be mindful God's way is higher than yours and you never know what you would be 20 years down the road. You may be studying engineering but end up as director of company. You may be choosing science but later a model, artist, etc.
What is important, enjoy living and be a blessing too.

Praying for you.

tse horng blogged at 4:10 AM

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Emotionally strained and intellectually stretched

Wanted to blog about today's result release but too drained. There's go my counsellor training about attached yet detached. I am enmeshed with my students' emotions!!

The interview by the EV teams, 3 hours!! I am drained. Can't think properly. So I shall blog about my inner thots tomorrow.. i hope I will servive tomorrow 3 hours interview again!

To those of you who got your result... God leads. Will share with me my past experiences of how God's blessing seem to appear after the bend.

tse horng blogged at 3:38 AM

Here I am waiting
Abide in me I pray
Here I am longing
For You
Hide me in Your love
Bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus
More and more

Come live in me
All my life
Take over
Come breathe in me
And I will rise
On eagle's wings
Eagle's Wings
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